Ike in the Shop - Best Big Bass Glide Bait Modification Bass Fishing Video

In today’s installment of Ike in the Shop my good friend Brian the Carpenter A.K.A. BTC in the shop putting together a modification for glide baits that will allow you to fish in deeper water. Usually, when fishing a glide bait you can fish in shallower water up to about 10 feet but it takes incredibly long for it to get to the deeper columns in 30, 40, 50 feet of water. This modification will help you get that glide bait down to the deeper holes quicker AND will entice those GIANT BASS to attack your Glide Bait!
Storm Arashi Glide Bait
VMC Tokyo Rig
VMC Tungsten Flippin Weights
Gerber Magniplier
Spiderwire Stealth Braid