HOW TO Pick a COLOR for CLEAR Water (Winter Tips) Bass Fishing Video

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Following up on last week's video on Cold Muddy water today we are going to dive into how to choose a color when fishing super ultra CLEAR water! I always try to match the hatch of the water I’m fishing and use muted and faded colors. When you are fishing COLD Clear water shock colors just
don’t look as natural. Always remember MATCH THE HATCH!

Rapala Shadow Rap
Rapala Shadow Rap Shad
Molix Short Arm Spinner Bait
Molix FS Spinner Bait
Berkley Power Swimmer
Abu Garcia IKE Delay Casting Rod 7'3" Medium
Abu Garcia REVO IKE Casting Reel
Berkley Trilene Sensation

Video Co-Anglers: Ike in the Shop, Berkley, Abu Garcia, Molix, Rapala

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